Milestone title | Project Month | Status |
M1.1 Kick-off: Kick-off meeting has been held, initial project plan finished | 3 (May 2018) | OK! |
M4.1 Workshop "Authentication Mechanism" held | 5 (July 2018) | OK! |
M4.2 Design agreed | 7 (September 2018) | OK! |
M2.1 Analysis/Design Consolidation Workshop held | 9 (November 2018) | OK! |
M3.1 Workshop "Test preparation" held. | 9 (November 2018) | OK! |
M5.1 Project Web-site published | 9 (November 2018) | OK! |
M3.2 Start of actual testing in the test-environment | 10 (December 2018) | OK! |
M4.3 Start of the tests for the authentication mechanism | 10 (December 2018) | OK! |
M2.2 Analysis/Design document completed | 11 (January 2019) | OK! |
M3.4 Workshop "Rollout preparation" held. | 11 (January 2019) | OK! |
M3.3 Completion of testing | 12 (February 2019) | OK! |
M3.5 Deployment of the national side of the LRI connection in the national production environment | 13 (March 2019) | OK! |
M4.4 Deployment of the authentication mechanism | 13 (March 2019) | OK! |
M5.2 Promotional Guides produced and published at the project Web-site. | 13 (March 2019) | OK! |
M1.2 Project end: Closing Meeting has been held including lessons learned | 15 (May 2019) | OK! |
M5.3 Dissemination Event held | 15 (May 2019) | OK! |