There are 4 work packages in the Project, which expand in paralleel throughout the years 2020 and 2021 of the Project's timeframe.
Overview of the Work Packages:
WP1: Project management & coordination
All activities related to the general management and coordination of the project which are of horizontal nature and therefore difficult to assign to specific work packages; distribution of funding payments including financial reporting and activity reporting; the detailed planning of project activities; the management of the communication with project partners; the quality monitoring and risk management; the communication with external stakeholders and the organisation of coordination meetings.
WP2: Business analysis, solution design and consolidation for LRI requests/responses
The objective of this activity is to analyse if the technical and organisational specifications of the national land register systems fulfil the requirements laid out in the EC functional specifications to connect the land registers to the LRI central platform.
Performing the detailed business analysis for the data fields of the LRI requests and responses in order to map these fields to the correct parameter fields of the national land register search requests, and the national land register search results to LRI responses. The deliverable created during the LRI MS Connection Project by “WP2: Business Analysis and Solution Design for LRI Requests/Responses” serves as a model for the deliverables to be created in this WP and shall be updated and altered according to the requirements to connect the national land registers of the beneficiaries having not participated in the LRI MS Connection Project.
Design of the architecture (component structure) of the national modules which communicate with the LRI platform at the European e-Justice Portal.
Consolidation of LRI MS Connection project results to ensure the sustainability of these results (e.g. reviewed “Terms & Conditions” for the central LRI search). On the basis of the analysis done by the new beneficiaries new requirements for the central LRI platform might arise. Additional features will be analysed to adapt to new requirements and to improve the cross-border usability (e.g. harmonised and translated error-messages, test automation). Additionally, the Project partners will provide their experience to the EC for enhancing the central LRI with the implementation of planned features.
WP3: Consolidation, development, test and deployment of national components for LRI requests/responses
Development of the national LRI components required to connect the national land register of LV to the LRI platform at the European e-Justice Portal in order to communicate via LRI requests/responses implemented as Web Service modules. The deliverables created during the LRI MS Connection Project in “WP3 - Development, Test and Deployment of national components for LRI Requests/Responses” serve as models for the deliverables to be created in this WP and shall be updated and altered according to the requirements to connect the national land register of LV.
Consolidation of the LRI MS Connection project results by developing enhancements of existing national LRI components according to the results of WP2.
Testing of the national LRI components together with the multi-language search user-interface developed by the European Commission at the European e-Justice Portal.
Deployment of the national production environment for the national side of the Land Registers Interconnection with the European e-Justice Portal.
WP4: Publicity and dissemination of deliverables
Establishment of wide awareness of the project outcomes and deliverables.
Informing the future clients of the developed Web Services on the new opportunities provided to private persons and businesses as well as to legal professionals
Raising the public awareness.
Informing Member State authorities about the project and its deliverables; provision of the methodology and guidance for establishing the national connection to the interconnection facility at the e-Justice Portal.